
To many people, when they hear the world hydrocephalus, many people, give blank stares and wonders if im speaking another language. In reality, there are many people with this condition, and yet, this condition has no cure. Hydrocephalus is a rare birth defect in which affects 1 in 1000 live births. Which is sad. and even with all the teechnology we have today, many children die, because not enough money is raised to find a cure. Its where the body can't absorb the cerebralspinal fluid and therefore the head becomes enlarged and the child ultametly dies due to CSF buildup. Without proper care, children die. Doctors try to do all they can to save these children, but, without adequet resources, and limited money, children can't get they treatment they rightly deserve. The pictures below, show some children, who will die if not taken care of. As well, below you will see a picture of a shunt, which is a mechanical device implanted into the skull which rederects the flow of CSF to other areas of the body so the body can absorb it.

This is a website raising awareness of God and World Vision