I am trying to raise awareness of World Vision. I see children livng on less than a piece of bread and dirty water and to still be happy, and to rejoice in His presence for all the have. Its truly amazing. It makes me realize how much i have that i really don't need Like in Psalm  23 "The Lord is my shepard, i shall not want." We don't need anything we have for God does it all for us anyway. If you would love to help a child, and bring glory to Him, look at the pictures below.

Below is a map where you can see the many countries in South Africa and Africa in general where AIDS and poverty hit the most. Children in Africa, many don't have parents because many die of AIDS and illnesses that can be prevented. Like malaria and smallpox, and many others. And so little children are left to defend for themselves because they have nothing. And they don't know how to take care of themselves, so many wind up dying and thats why the infant mortality rate is through the roof. Its frightening but true. Please help them. THEY NEED YOU TO HELP THEM!!!! Below on the map you will see where a friend of mine named Wally visited a country in Africa called Tanzania where has he told me, the pictures you see on TV are real. They arn't made up. They are as real as the clothes on your back. And its sad, and even though i know we can't solve the problem, we can help in every way we can. Feel free to look at the many countries that World Vision is helping. Hopefully, it'll encourage all of us to help.

These are photos of poverty and what life is actually like in Africa. Children shouldn't be forced to live this way. And the sad truth is, many are. And if we sponsor children, we can stop these horrible things from happening.

This is a website raising awareness of God and World Vision