Its tough to do this... I knew it wasn't going to be easy... and i know whatever happens... its all for Him... and He isn't telling me to stop either... He knows my heart... its probably bigger than the average humans... i don't care... i messed up... once and it was tiny... and im going to not do it. Children who starve on a regular basis can't cheat... so why should i? i feel guilty for doing it... but, i can do it... i know i can... i made a committment and im not going to back down.

But, yea, its tough... try walking straight after 3 days of no food. and the lying is driving me crazy... and the people i do tell, they eat in front of me! GGGGGGRRRRR!!!! :) but, its all for a good cause. If i can save 1 child from hunger and starvation... then its all worth it. And, April 25 is comming up really soon.... then i can pig out all i want! 

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