If you havent figured out, by now, im crazy for World Vision. I have great ideas for it, and, im hoping to get some started. I am starting something at church... and hopefully, at school too. Although, we do have something going on at school, i hope we can extend it further. I got these catalogues in the mail Friday, and im going to use them at school. I already did at church... Thanks Todd. And, i apparently, have to buy more... i guess 3 catalogues wasn't enough. but, ill get them.. no problem. I've realized, once God puts a need in your heart, you long for it more and more. When i read the catalogue, it put tears in my eyes. Real tears too. Which was cool. I want to do something... and now that im over the pity party of myself, i can do something. As mean as that sounded, its true. I'm glad i can do something. I am going to print out somethings that i can use for school and Church... which is cool. Maybe, Magz, can help me with these things, and since she is good at talking to people and she is good at allot of things, i think she can help me do this. So, what do you say Magz?


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